Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS4B01G310200

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 100.000 3396 0 0 1 3396 600607162 600603767 0.000000e+00 6272.0
1 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 95.742 2043 69 7 782 2808 600517990 600515950 0.000000e+00 3275.0
2 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 95.967 843 23 7 1639 2475 600599336 600598499 0.000000e+00 1358.0
3 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 93.447 351 22 1 3047 3396 600515958 600515608 1.400000e-143 520.0
4 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 79.545 484 57 24 1 476 519373585 519374034 1.180000e-79 307.0
5 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 89.216 102 9 2 592 692 449229786 449229886 3.560000e-25 126.0
6 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 82.474 97 13 4 606 698 49070069 49069973 7.810000e-12 82.4
7 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 95.122 41 2 0 1072 1112 600606058 600606018 7.870000e-07 65.8
8 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4D 94.255 1793 52 16 885 2649 476229826 476228057 0.000000e+00 2693.0
9 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4D 94.148 581 34 0 1 581 476231273 476230693 0.000000e+00 885.0
10 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4D 94.340 106 3 3 783 887 476229960 476229857 3.510000e-35 159.0
11 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4A 89.277 2061 120 49 800 2808 683443441 683441430 0.000000e+00 2488.0
12 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4A 85.345 232 32 2 351 581 41947619 41947389 4.380000e-59 239.0
13 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 81.493 1313 192 35 1110 2397 24905696 24906982 0.000000e+00 1031.0
14 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 80.970 1340 186 51 1110 2404 24889254 24890569 0.000000e+00 998.0
15 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 80.920 1326 198 38 1110 2396 24882778 24884087 0.000000e+00 996.0
16 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 93.478 92 4 2 693 783 30521660 30521750 5.910000e-28 135.0
17 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 93.478 92 4 2 693 783 784303804 784303894 5.910000e-28 135.0
18 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 84.211 76 7 5 2707 2778 770032327 770032253 6.080000e-08 69.4
19 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 80.758 1320 193 42 1120 2396 15906134 15904833 0.000000e+00 974.0
20 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 81.382 854 121 24 1581 2403 15642268 15643114 0.000000e+00 662.0
21 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 87.500 384 42 5 1116 1499 15641779 15642156 4.020000e-119 438.0
22 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 82.294 401 66 3 1110 1510 14892708 14892313 3.240000e-90 342.0
23 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3D 88.014 584 67 1 1 581 366808089 366807506 0.000000e+00 688.0
24 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3D 88.480 408 43 2 178 581 545178307 545177900 1.100000e-134 490.0
25 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3D 94.118 238 12 1 2807 3042 583664519 583664756 8.960000e-96 361.0
26 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3D 93.697 238 13 1 2807 3042 583710036 583710273 4.170000e-94 355.0
27 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2D 80.539 853 130 24 1581 2403 13632964 13633810 1.030000e-174 623.0
28 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7D 89.315 496 50 1 2 494 535900246 535900741 1.340000e-173 619.0
29 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7D 75.000 1300 249 47 1123 2385 63378302 63377042 6.450000e-147 531.0
30 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7D 100.000 30 0 0 3367 3396 630507957 630507928 4.730000e-04 56.5
31 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 76.370 821 155 25 1574 2384 66166809 66166018 4.080000e-109 405.0
32 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 94.505 91 3 2 693 782 97406903 97406814 4.570000e-29 139.0
33 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 84.211 95 11 4 606 698 157202488 157202396 4.670000e-14 89.8
34 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 86.420 81 10 1 614 694 300856432 300856511 1.680000e-13 87.9
35 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 84.884 86 9 4 611 694 569613901 569613984 2.170000e-12 84.2
36 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 86.207 58 6 2 2626 2681 529328116 529328173 1.020000e-05 62.1
37 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3B 93.462 260 12 5 2797 3053 391567694 391567437 6.880000e-102 381.0
38 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3B 92.490 253 14 4 2804 3052 499722686 499722937 1.160000e-94 357.0
39 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3B 92.095 253 15 5 2804 3052 510052241 510052492 5.390000e-93 351.0
40 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3B 92.000 250 15 5 2807 3052 504311427 504311179 2.510000e-91 346.0
41 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1B 93.089 246 14 3 2802 3044 334234531 334234286 1.160000e-94 357.0
42 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1B 81.696 224 35 6 2590 2808 77624301 77624523 7.490000e-42 182.0
43 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7B 92.400 250 14 4 2807 3052 497079024 497078776 5.390000e-93 351.0
44 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7B 91.440 257 16 2 2798 3052 638419923 638420175 6.970000e-92 348.0
45 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7B 87.179 78 10 0 700 777 28064103 28064026 4.670000e-14 89.8
46 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7B 85.366 82 9 3 617 697 74597331 74597252 7.810000e-12 82.4
47 TraesCS4B01G310200 chrUn 83.792 327 50 2 1110 1436 18084747 18085070 1.180000e-79 307.0
48 TraesCS4B01G310200 chrUn 90.769 65 6 0 633 697 87128492 87128428 1.680000e-13 87.9
49 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr6D 80.995 221 39 3 2590 2808 428065838 428065619 4.510000e-39 172.0
50 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1D 81.905 210 30 8 2600 2804 52325477 52325683 1.620000e-38 171.0
51 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1D 95.652 92 2 2 693 783 66387716 66387626 2.730000e-31 147.0
52 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3A 95.604 91 2 2 693 782 701941102 701941191 9.820000e-31 145.0
53 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr6B 92.308 91 5 2 693 782 125540429 125540518 9.890000e-26 128.0
54 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr6B 76.190 168 24 11 2623 2785 45904963 45905119 1.310000e-09 75.0
55 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr6B 79.787 94 12 7 606 694 353569772 353569863 1.020000e-05 62.1
56 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1A 93.103 87 6 0 696 782 551669891 551669805 9.890000e-26 128.0
57 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr1A 84.884 86 12 1 693 777 54510618 54510533 6.040000e-13 86.1
58 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr5A 86.420 81 10 1 614 694 684651974 684652053 1.680000e-13 87.9

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 600603767 600607162 3395 True 3168.900000 6272 97.561000 1 3396 2 chr4B.!!$R4 3395
1 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 600515608 600517990 2382 True 1897.500000 3275 94.594500 782 3396 2 chr4B.!!$R3 2614
2 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4B 600598499 600599336 837 True 1358.000000 1358 95.967000 1639 2475 1 chr4B.!!$R2 836
3 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4D 476228057 476231273 3216 True 1245.666667 2693 94.247667 1 2649 3 chr4D.!!$R1 2648
4 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr4A 683441430 683443441 2011 True 2488.000000 2488 89.277000 800 2808 1 chr4A.!!$R2 2008
5 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 24905696 24906982 1286 False 1031.000000 1031 81.493000 1110 2397 1 chr2B.!!$F3 1287
6 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 24889254 24890569 1315 False 998.000000 998 80.970000 1110 2404 1 chr2B.!!$F2 1294
7 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2B 24882778 24884087 1309 False 996.000000 996 80.920000 1110 2396 1 chr2B.!!$F1 1286
8 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 15904833 15906134 1301 True 974.000000 974 80.758000 1120 2396 1 chr2A.!!$R2 1276
9 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2A 15641779 15643114 1335 False 550.000000 662 84.441000 1116 2403 2 chr2A.!!$F1 1287
10 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr3D 366807506 366808089 583 True 688.000000 688 88.014000 1 581 1 chr3D.!!$R1 580
11 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr2D 13632964 13633810 846 False 623.000000 623 80.539000 1581 2403 1 chr2D.!!$F1 822
12 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7D 63377042 63378302 1260 True 531.000000 531 75.000000 1123 2385 1 chr7D.!!$R1 1262
13 TraesCS4B01G310200 chr7A 66166018 66166809 791 True 405.000000 405 76.370000 1574 2384 1 chr7A.!!$R1 810

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
584 588 0.105964 CCAGCAGCCTCCTCCTAGTA 60.106 60.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.82 F
720 724 0.179468 AAACTACAGTGTGCGGTGGT 59.821 50.0 5.88 0.0 36.24 4.16 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
2386 3097 1.286849 TCCTCCCTCGATCAGTTGGTA 59.713 52.381 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.25 R
2619 3365 0.525761 AACCAATTCCCGCATGTTCG 59.474 50.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.95 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.