Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS4B01G030700

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 100.000 6374 0 0 1 6374 22899268 22892895 0.000000e+00 11771.0
1 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 93.466 1913 94 17 3844 5744 22885812 22883919 0.000000e+00 2811.0
2 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 89.044 429 30 6 5740 6153 22881792 22881366 3.410000e-142 516.0
3 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 83.367 493 61 15 3943 4423 8412923 8412440 2.730000e-118 436.0
4 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 95.294 255 12 0 2550 2804 126596124 126595870 7.690000e-109 405.0
5 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 90.037 271 26 1 3579 3849 22886166 22885897 3.660000e-92 350.0
6 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 89.855 276 20 3 2806 3075 22886431 22886158 1.320000e-91 348.0
7 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 79.826 461 78 15 4600 5054 21395930 21396381 7.970000e-84 322.0
8 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 93.889 180 6 2 6193 6372 22881364 22881190 3.790000e-67 267.0
9 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 91.628 2341 145 17 3844 6153 12532316 12529996 0.000000e+00 3190.0
10 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 94.301 1825 94 7 224 2043 12535070 12533251 0.000000e+00 2785.0
11 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 94.472 1393 66 9 649 2038 12543253 12541869 0.000000e+00 2135.0
12 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 94.033 1106 34 10 4331 5431 12539871 12538793 0.000000e+00 1648.0
13 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 96.300 946 29 3 5429 6374 12538764 12537825 0.000000e+00 1548.0
14 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 89.577 1065 63 17 2806 3853 12541544 12540511 0.000000e+00 1308.0
15 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 95.622 434 14 2 224 653 12543785 12543353 0.000000e+00 691.0
16 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 92.744 317 22 1 2233 2548 12533265 12532949 2.090000e-124 457.0
17 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 93.204 309 20 1 2241 2548 12541866 12541558 2.710000e-123 453.0
18 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 92.727 275 19 1 3579 3853 12532670 12532397 4.630000e-106 396.0
19 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 90.580 276 18 3 2806 3075 12532935 12532662 6.080000e-95 359.0
20 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 93.407 182 5 3 6191 6372 12529996 12529822 4.900000e-66 263.0
21 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 93.818 1828 97 7 223 2044 590092188 590094005 0.000000e+00 2736.0
22 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 92.576 1751 94 15 4432 6156 590097313 590099053 0.000000e+00 2481.0
23 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 89.513 1068 80 15 2806 3850 590094319 590095377 0.000000e+00 1323.0
24 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 88.833 600 64 3 3840 4437 590095457 590096055 0.000000e+00 734.0
25 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 90.221 317 29 2 2233 2548 590093990 590094305 4.600000e-111 412.0
26 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 95.055 182 7 1 6191 6372 590099049 590099228 1.050000e-72 285.0
27 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 94.595 148 8 0 81 228 428284139 428284286 4.970000e-56 230.0
28 TraesCS4B01G030700 chrUn 93.538 1826 105 9 224 2043 357650771 357652589 0.000000e+00 2706.0
29 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7D 85.842 558 50 16 3885 4424 543336337 543335791 3.340000e-157 566.0
30 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7D 90.732 410 35 2 3428 3836 543352434 543352027 1.560000e-150 544.0
31 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3A 88.967 426 41 4 3430 3853 608745475 608745054 7.320000e-144 521.0
32 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3A 98.837 258 3 0 2547 2804 512035498 512035755 1.620000e-125 460.0
33 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3A 85.176 398 41 7 4060 4441 79392698 79393093 5.990000e-105 392.0
34 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7A 89.512 410 38 3 3428 3836 625369947 625369542 1.230000e-141 514.0
35 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7A 97.255 255 7 0 2550 2804 365105293 365105039 3.530000e-117 433.0
36 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7A 96.512 258 9 0 2547 2804 512766573 512766830 1.640000e-115 427.0
37 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7A 91.018 167 15 0 59 225 158664920 158665086 6.430000e-55 226.0
38 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2A 86.374 433 38 11 3429 3853 4352829 4352410 2.710000e-123 453.0
39 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2A 94.595 148 8 0 81 228 469790056 469790203 4.970000e-56 230.0
40 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2A 87.387 111 11 1 3037 3144 3517604 3517714 2.410000e-24 124.0
41 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5B 97.674 258 6 0 2547 2804 385190127 385190384 1.630000e-120 444.0
42 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5B 87.896 347 36 5 4080 4423 110129314 110128971 2.770000e-108 403.0
43 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5B 85.765 281 22 5 3573 3853 507761615 507761353 1.350000e-71 281.0
44 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5B 90.751 173 14 1 53 225 648279369 648279539 4.970000e-56 230.0
45 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5B 91.463 164 14 0 62 225 594099162 594098999 6.430000e-55 226.0
46 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr1B 88.347 369 35 7 4060 4424 630752839 630752475 2.730000e-118 436.0
47 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr1B 89.109 303 28 5 4124 4423 45818230 45817930 7.800000e-99 372.0
48 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr1B 84.000 125 16 2 3031 3151 3239963 3240087 4.040000e-22 117.0
49 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr6B 96.863 255 8 0 2550 2804 125640391 125640137 1.640000e-115 427.0
50 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr6B 95.294 255 12 0 2550 2804 442430141 442429887 7.690000e-109 405.0
51 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7B 96.047 253 10 0 2552 2804 72765102 72765354 4.600000e-111 412.0
52 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2B 95.057 263 8 1 2547 2804 440825753 440826015 5.950000e-110 409.0
53 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2B 86.400 125 14 1 3031 3152 212020012 212019888 4.010000e-27 134.0
54 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr2B 85.000 120 15 1 3035 3151 210463907 210463788 1.120000e-22 119.0
55 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3B 93.158 190 12 1 2046 2234 600911692 600911503 1.750000e-70 278.0
56 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3B 97.059 34 1 0 2126 2159 104332984 104333017 2.480000e-04 58.4
57 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr1D 95.833 144 6 0 82 225 327856852 327856995 3.840000e-57 233.0
58 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5D 90.909 165 14 1 63 226 135238512 135238676 2.990000e-53 220.0
59 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5D 86.066 122 13 2 3033 3151 482404582 482404462 1.870000e-25 128.0
60 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5D 85.484 124 15 1 3040 3160 444300468 444300345 6.710000e-25 126.0
61 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5D 84.252 127 15 2 3034 3155 361510358 361510232 1.120000e-22 119.0
62 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr6D 89.266 177 15 4 59 235 41542508 41542336 1.080000e-52 219.0
63 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr3D 92.667 150 11 0 3704 3853 443423681 443423830 3.870000e-52 217.0
64 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr5A 87.568 185 19 3 53 235 623008706 623008888 1.800000e-50 211.0

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 22892895 22899268 6373 True 11771.000000 11771 100.000000 1 6374 1 chr4B.!!$R2 6373
1 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4B 22881190 22886431 5241 True 858.400000 2811 91.258200 2806 6372 5 chr4B.!!$R4 3566
2 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4D 12529822 12543785 13963 True 1269.416667 3190 93.216250 224 6374 12 chr4D.!!$R1 6150
3 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr4A 590092188 590099228 7040 False 1328.500000 2736 91.669333 223 6372 6 chr4A.!!$F2 6149
4 TraesCS4B01G030700 chrUn 357650771 357652589 1818 False 2706.000000 2706 93.538000 224 2043 1 chrUn.!!$F1 1819
5 TraesCS4B01G030700 chr7D 543335791 543336337 546 True 566.000000 566 85.842000 3885 4424 1 chr7D.!!$R1 539

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
44 45 0.096976 GCGTTTCGATGGTGGTGATG 59.903 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.07 F
84 85 0.178998 TCGGACGGAGGGAGGATAAG 60.179 60.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.73 F
85 86 0.467659 CGGACGGAGGGAGGATAAGT 60.468 60.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.24 F
87 88 1.133419 GGACGGAGGGAGGATAAGTCT 60.133 57.143 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.24 F
1731 1842 1.379044 CCGAATTGCAGGGGAGCTT 60.379 57.895 0.00 0.0 34.99 3.74 F
2153 2266 0.108138 GTGGGAGTCCGATGTTCCAG 60.108 60.000 2.26 0.0 35.24 3.86 F
2736 2850 0.037590 TGTAGCGGGCAGTGGAAAAT 59.962 50.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.82 F
2738 2852 0.326595 TAGCGGGCAGTGGAAAATCA 59.673 50.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.57 F
3047 3167 0.332632 CCTCCAAAATGCTCCCTCCA 59.667 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.86 F
4553 14265 0.394938 TTGTGGTGCGTGGATACTGT 59.605 50.000 0.00 0.0 37.61 3.55 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
1731 1842 0.895100 GTGCCACCTTCAGCAATGGA 60.895 55.000 0.00 0.00 41.48 3.41 R
2051 2164 0.591170 GCACTGCGCCTACAAAAAGA 59.409 50.000 4.18 0.00 32.94 2.52 R
2062 2175 1.270971 CAACATTATTGGCACTGCGC 58.729 50.000 0.00 0.00 41.28 6.09 R
2064 2177 2.367030 TGCAACATTATTGGCACTGC 57.633 45.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.40 R
2717 2831 0.037590 ATTTTCCACTGCCCGCTACA 59.962 50.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.74 R
3161 3281 0.257039 AGGGTCATGGAATGCACTCC 59.743 55.000 7.40 7.40 46.21 3.85 R
3576 3720 0.461339 CAACCGGGTCCCACTTATCG 60.461 60.000 9.12 0.00 0.00 2.92 R
4098 4443 1.621822 ACGGACTCCCTCCTCCCTA 60.622 63.158 0.00 0.00 36.80 3.53 R
4802 14518 1.354368 TCCTTTCCAGCGGATTTTCCT 59.646 47.619 0.00 0.00 33.30 3.36 R
6159 18031 0.187117 TTGAAAGTGGCCACCCATGA 59.813 50.000 32.29 13.29 44.51 3.07 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.