Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS2D01G190600

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2D 100.000 7066 0 0 1 7066 134638673 134645738 0.000000e+00 13049.0
1 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2D 91.549 284 15 6 6667 6948 567018967 567018691 4.000000e-102 383.0
2 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2D 91.197 284 20 5 6667 6948 563965848 563966128 1.440000e-101 381.0
3 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 93.051 3641 140 35 1 3607 191537040 191540601 0.000000e+00 5217.0
4 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 95.117 2048 82 12 3726 5765 191540861 191542898 0.000000e+00 3212.0
5 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 89.831 649 44 17 5942 6584 191543192 191543824 0.000000e+00 813.0
6 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 92.818 181 12 1 5752 5931 191542926 191543106 1.960000e-65 261.0
7 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 95.062 81 4 0 3592 3672 191540782 191540862 2.070000e-25 128.0
8 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 96.491 57 2 0 3671 3727 695378390 695378446 2.100000e-15 95.3
9 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 94.318 2288 105 14 596 2876 142683549 142685818 0.000000e+00 3482.0
10 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 93.474 2222 112 19 3726 5936 142686667 142688866 0.000000e+00 3269.0
11 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 94.273 873 25 3 2800 3672 142685821 142686668 0.000000e+00 1312.0
12 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 90.333 600 42 10 5998 6584 142689028 142689624 0.000000e+00 773.0
13 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 92.151 344 18 5 132 469 142682859 142683199 1.780000e-130 477.0
14 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7D 93.262 282 14 5 6669 6948 630612534 630612812 1.830000e-110 411.0
15 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7D 94.118 272 10 4 6667 6937 182599470 182599736 6.600000e-110 409.0
16 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7D 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 182600192 182600300 2.600000e-44 191.0
17 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7D 93.750 64 3 1 3664 3727 551735568 551735506 2.100000e-15 95.3
18 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7A 92.419 277 15 6 6673 6948 725812921 725813192 2.390000e-104 390.0
19 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7A 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 57806147 57806255 2.600000e-44 191.0
20 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1D 92.674 273 14 6 6667 6937 334053230 334053498 8.600000e-104 388.0
21 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr6D 91.971 274 16 6 6667 6937 444087111 444086841 5.170000e-101 379.0
22 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr6D 91.135 282 18 6 6667 6947 417885517 417885242 6.690000e-100 375.0
23 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr6D 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 110655427 110655319 2.600000e-44 191.0
24 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr6D 96.491 57 2 0 3671 3727 284394950 284395006 2.100000e-15 95.3
25 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr4D 90.845 284 17 7 6667 6948 81327019 81327295 8.660000e-99 372.0
26 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7B 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 670031455 670031563 2.600000e-44 191.0
27 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7B 97.273 110 3 0 6957 7066 134504753 134504644 3.370000e-43 187.0
28 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr5A 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 52413575 52413467 2.600000e-44 191.0
29 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr3A 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 653964770 653964878 2.600000e-44 191.0
30 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1B 98.165 109 2 0 6958 7066 120660708 120660816 2.600000e-44 191.0
31 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1B 98.148 108 2 0 6958 7065 576146529 576146422 9.360000e-44 189.0
32 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1B 93.151 73 4 1 3664 3736 656234053 656234124 9.690000e-19 106.0
33 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1B 90.909 66 4 1 3662 3727 354922681 354922744 3.510000e-13 87.9
34 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr1A 91.429 70 3 1 3667 3733 363454147 363454216 7.550000e-15 93.5
35 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr3D 92.424 66 2 1 3665 3727 593276177 593276242 2.710000e-14 91.6
36 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr3D 89.855 69 7 0 3662 3730 42316868 42316936 9.760000e-14 89.8
37 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr6B 90.909 66 2 2 3662 3727 42432687 42432748 1.260000e-12 86.1
38 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr4B 95.238 42 1 1 773 813 468659356 468659315 1.650000e-06 65.8

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2D 134638673 134645738 7065 False 13049.0 13049 100.0000 1 7066 1 chr2D.!!$F1 7065
1 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2B 191537040 191543824 6784 False 1926.2 5217 93.1758 1 6584 5 chr2B.!!$F2 6583
2 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr2A 142682859 142689624 6765 False 1862.6 3482 92.9098 132 6584 5 chr2A.!!$F1 6452
3 TraesCS2D01G190600 chr7D 182599470 182600300 830 False 300.0 409 96.1415 6667 7066 2 chr7D.!!$F2 399

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
280 291 0.107654 GTCCATCCTCCCGTTGGAAG 60.108 60.000 0.00 0.0 41.16 3.46 F
384 409 0.326264 TCCTTTCCTCTGCTTGCTCC 59.674 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.70 F
572 602 0.672711 GGAAAAGGTCGCCGTAGCTT 60.673 55.000 0.00 0.0 38.80 3.74 F
901 1153 1.079543 CGGCAGTGAGGACCTTCAG 60.080 63.158 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.02 F
970 1222 1.193650 CCGTGTATGGTTTGACGTGTG 59.806 52.381 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.82 F
1168 1420 1.258676 GGTGGAGAAGAAGGACGACT 58.741 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.18 F
2798 3072 2.012673 GTCAAAGCCTCATTCGAGCAT 58.987 47.619 0.00 0.0 38.00 3.79 F
3353 3705 1.888215 CATCATGCGCCCTTACATCT 58.112 50.000 4.18 0.0 0.00 2.90 F
3932 4487 0.254178 GTCCAGTGGCATCATGTCCT 59.746 55.000 3.51 0.0 0.00 3.85 F
5046 5607 0.864455 GAACGCCATAGCAGAGATGC 59.136 55.000 0.00 0.0 39.83 3.91 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
2243 2514 0.323957 AAGTTGTACGGAAGGAGGGC 59.676 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.19 R
2574 2848 1.231221 ACAACTCGGCAAATACGCAA 58.769 45.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.85 R
2754 3028 1.497309 CCCCAAAGAGCCCACACCTA 61.497 60.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.08 R
2788 3062 2.350484 GCATGACCATGATGCTCGAATG 60.350 50.000 13.67 0.0 42.52 2.67 R
2960 3312 3.243501 GGCAACAGTGAAAGCTCATTGAA 60.244 43.478 0.00 0.0 40.76 2.69 R
3353 3705 2.037641 CGCATGATGGGATCTTACCTCA 59.962 50.000 3.03 0.0 31.21 3.86 R
3674 4227 1.070758 CTGACATTATGGGACGGAGGG 59.929 57.143 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.30 R
5046 5607 0.179250 GTTGACACGTGCTACATGCG 60.179 55.000 17.22 0.0 46.63 4.73 R
6017 6701 0.176449 CACCAGGCGATCATCAGACA 59.824 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.41 R
6388 7105 0.168128 CTCAACGCAAACCCCGAATC 59.832 55.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.52 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.