Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS2B01G627900

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 100.000 3521 0 0 1 3521 799578238 799574718 0.000000e+00 6503.0
1 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 87.273 330 41 1 2559 2887 799595660 799595331 3.320000e-100 375.0
2 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 82.890 263 35 4 1337 1589 17464224 17463962 9.830000e-56 228.0
3 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 88.800 125 13 1 2559 2682 799597536 799597412 6.090000e-33 152.0
4 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 79.909 219 31 11 3303 3515 93004794 93004583 7.870000e-32 148.0
5 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 84.177 158 19 6 2413 2568 799599386 799599233 7.870000e-32 148.0
6 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 81.461 178 27 6 3330 3505 100349174 100349001 1.320000e-29 141.0
7 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 96.250 80 3 0 666 745 799584308 799584229 7.930000e-27 132.0
8 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 92.157 51 3 1 1627 1676 789132727 789132777 1.750000e-08 71.3
9 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 97.368 38 1 0 1050 1087 799584070 799584033 8.160000e-07 65.8
10 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 87.739 2455 176 55 466 2872 642099699 642102076 0.000000e+00 2750.0
11 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 88.728 1863 143 30 1044 2872 598328706 598330535 0.000000e+00 2215.0
12 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 93.782 579 17 4 466 1044 598328108 598328667 0.000000e+00 852.0
13 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 86.848 479 59 3 2413 2890 642212778 642213253 1.860000e-147 532.0
14 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 94.819 193 8 2 188 380 598327916 598328106 2.050000e-77 300.0
15 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 93.782 193 10 2 188 380 642099507 642099697 4.450000e-74 289.0
16 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 75.000 288 53 12 3234 3507 381866036 381866318 7.990000e-22 115.0
17 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 89.716 1478 108 20 1044 2485 767017985 767019454 0.000000e+00 1847.0
18 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 83.836 829 79 16 1678 2472 766981478 766982285 0.000000e+00 737.0
19 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 89.840 561 30 7 488 1044 767017409 767017946 0.000000e+00 695.0
20 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 90.965 487 37 6 3026 3508 767020239 767020722 0.000000e+00 649.0
21 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 83.101 574 55 15 2472 3034 767019668 767020210 5.280000e-133 484.0
22 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 82.178 606 55 24 2278 2872 767147005 767146442 4.110000e-129 472.0
23 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 84.466 515 33 20 809 1296 766980989 766981483 6.880000e-127 464.0
24 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 86.072 359 25 11 3170 3507 766983225 766983579 2.580000e-96 363.0
25 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 91.429 245 20 1 2543 2786 766982321 766982565 5.630000e-88 335.0
26 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 89.844 128 5 5 1182 1301 767147315 767147188 1.310000e-34 158.0
27 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 78.750 160 12 5 1678 1815 767147200 767147041 1.740000e-13 87.9
28 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3B 86.486 296 37 3 1385 1677 829275139 829274844 4.380000e-84 322.0
29 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3B 84.000 100 7 9 3235 3331 818866246 818866153 1.740000e-13 87.9
30 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7A 81.408 355 45 12 1337 1677 29834924 29834577 1.610000e-68 270.0
31 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7A 91.579 95 6 2 379 472 108210425 108210518 2.850000e-26 130.0
32 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7A 90.909 99 4 5 380 475 612025788 612025884 1.030000e-25 128.0
33 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr6A 82.462 325 31 13 1377 1677 447628614 447628292 9.690000e-66 261.0
34 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr6A 76.863 255 43 12 3281 3521 550717241 550716989 2.850000e-26 130.0
35 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr6A 90.000 100 6 3 366 465 607960042 607959947 3.690000e-25 126.0
36 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr1A 79.455 404 50 14 1297 1677 254185246 254184853 4.510000e-64 255.0
37 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr1A 78.505 214 31 11 3302 3505 496125487 496125279 3.690000e-25 126.0
38 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr1A 86.747 83 8 3 3251 3332 517642761 517642681 4.840000e-14 89.8
39 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr4A 81.115 323 38 10 1377 1677 108368932 108368611 1.630000e-58 237.0
40 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr4A 100.000 28 0 0 1650 1677 581149020 581149047 6.000000e-03 52.8
41 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr5B 79.235 366 51 14 1337 1681 615706404 615706043 7.600000e-57 231.0
42 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr5B 91.579 95 7 1 379 473 375770589 375770496 2.850000e-26 130.0
43 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7D 85.648 216 27 4 1377 1589 550839789 550840003 1.270000e-54 224.0
44 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7D 91.753 97 6 2 389 485 626199960 626199866 2.210000e-27 134.0
45 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7D 90.909 99 5 4 376 471 506141364 506141461 2.850000e-26 130.0
46 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr7B 82.500 160 25 3 3358 3515 71134530 71134688 1.700000e-28 137.0
47 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3A 80.899 178 31 3 3329 3506 696709648 696709822 1.700000e-28 137.0
48 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3A 89.796 49 5 0 577 625 102107801 102107753 2.930000e-06 63.9
49 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr5D 92.473 93 5 2 379 470 504793016 504792925 7.930000e-27 132.0
50 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr5D 80.447 179 24 10 3336 3510 539864426 539864255 3.690000e-25 126.0
51 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr5D 77.778 207 25 14 3245 3441 445800675 445800870 1.340000e-19 108.0
52 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr6B 91.579 95 6 2 379 472 225523450 225523357 2.850000e-26 130.0
53 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr4D 87.736 106 11 2 373 478 10971621 10971518 4.770000e-24 122.0
54 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr6D 75.912 274 39 22 3250 3507 308936961 308936699 7.990000e-22 115.0
55 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3D 74.653 288 53 12 3241 3511 547616814 547617098 3.720000e-20 110.0
56 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr3D 77.222 180 37 4 3331 3510 560872717 560872892 6.220000e-18 102.0
57 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr1D 74.627 268 57 10 3251 3515 46461114 46460855 1.340000e-19 108.0

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 799574718 799578238 3520 True 6503.000000 6503 100.000000 1 3521 1 chr2B.!!$R4 3520
1 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2B 799595331 799599386 4055 True 225.000000 375 86.750000 2413 2887 3 chr2B.!!$R6 474
2 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 642099507 642102076 2569 False 1519.500000 2750 90.760500 188 2872 2 chr2D.!!$F4 2684
3 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2D 598327916 598330535 2619 False 1122.333333 2215 92.443000 188 2872 3 chr2D.!!$F3 2684
4 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 767017409 767020722 3313 False 918.750000 1847 88.405500 488 3508 4 chr2A.!!$F2 3020
5 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 766980989 766983579 2590 False 474.750000 737 86.450750 809 3507 4 chr2A.!!$F1 2698
6 TraesCS2B01G627900 chr2A 767146442 767147315 873 True 239.300000 472 83.590667 1182 2872 3 chr2A.!!$R1 1690

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
111 112 0.299895 CGATGCTCGCATTGTCTGAC 59.700 55.0 5.79 0.00 36.70 3.51 F
1747 1842 0.385751 TTGATCGCCTCGAGATGGAC 59.614 55.0 15.71 3.06 39.91 4.02 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
1795 1908 0.391228 TCTTGTTCTGCTGTGCCGTA 59.609 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.02 R
2820 7179 0.034059 CGCCCTCATCTCATGTACCC 59.966 60.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.69 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.