Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS1B01G122300

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 100.000 7372 0 0 1 7372 146789952 146797323 0.000000e+00 13614.0
1 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 85.185 432 41 11 1 409 598908775 598908344 8.840000e-114 422.0
2 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 82.864 426 52 12 1 405 621995736 621995311 5.440000e-96 363.0
3 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 90.047 211 19 2 507 716 643042824 643043033 9.420000e-69 272.0
4 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 85.000 140 16 3 7164 7299 384651988 384652126 3.590000e-28 137.0
5 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 77.000 200 26 13 6570 6752 72701526 72701722 6.090000e-16 97.1
6 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 94.225 5316 227 22 1284 6538 92254069 92259365 0.000000e+00 8043.0
7 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 95.714 560 20 1 720 1279 92253473 92254028 0.000000e+00 898.0
8 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 81.535 417 42 18 1 402 470488815 470489211 2.000000e-80 311.0
9 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 94.505 91 5 0 7000 7090 468312443 468312533 2.770000e-29 141.0
10 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 92.553 94 7 0 7000 7093 203866292 203866199 1.290000e-27 135.0
11 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 93.056 72 4 1 438 509 92253411 92253481 3.640000e-18 104.0
12 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 95.299 4446 166 13 1283 5703 88346282 88350709 0.000000e+00 7012.0
13 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 93.884 654 34 2 5798 6445 88351033 88351686 0.000000e+00 981.0
14 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 95.018 562 25 3 720 1279 88345679 88346239 0.000000e+00 880.0
15 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 93.089 246 14 2 6755 6999 138025398 138025641 2.530000e-94 357.0
16 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 96.000 50 2 0 460 509 88345638 88345687 1.700000e-11 82.4
17 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6B 86.936 421 36 10 1 402 103265869 103266289 8.720000e-124 455.0
18 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6B 85.511 421 30 17 1 402 509522173 509521765 1.910000e-110 411.0
19 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6B 82.578 419 48 14 1 405 346712168 346711761 5.480000e-91 346.0
20 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6B 89.831 59 5 1 6690 6747 606006548 606006490 2.850000e-09 75.0
21 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2B 85.613 424 39 11 1 402 373988471 373988894 6.840000e-115 425.0
22 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2B 85.579 423 38 14 1 402 687249881 687249461 8.840000e-114 422.0
23 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2B 91.549 213 14 4 510 719 27548138 27547927 2.600000e-74 291.0
24 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2B 90.141 213 19 2 509 720 627773017 627772806 7.290000e-70 276.0
25 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2B 80.000 400 49 17 20 402 746719897 746719512 4.380000e-67 267.0
26 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3B 84.296 433 42 10 3 409 723473049 723472617 4.140000e-107 399.0
27 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3B 90.698 215 18 2 504 716 171801016 171801230 1.210000e-72 285.0
28 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3B 87.552 241 20 10 510 742 247502411 247502173 3.390000e-68 270.0
29 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 92.941 255 14 3 6750 7003 322861064 322861315 1.170000e-97 368.0
30 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 93.548 248 13 2 6753 6999 36536168 36535923 4.200000e-97 366.0
31 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 92.339 248 16 2 6755 7001 356179865 356179620 4.230000e-92 350.0
32 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 95.402 87 4 0 7000 7086 282512366 282512452 9.970000e-29 139.0
33 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 90.909 99 8 1 6994 7091 415104171 415104269 1.670000e-26 132.0
34 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4D 86.486 74 10 0 6670 6743 499105529 499105456 1.700000e-11 82.4
35 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4A 92.520 254 16 2 6749 7001 680772431 680772180 1.960000e-95 361.0
36 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4A 92.400 250 15 3 6752 6999 470874556 470874803 3.270000e-93 353.0
37 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2A 93.089 246 14 2 6755 6999 521239293 521239536 2.530000e-94 357.0
38 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2A 90.278 216 19 2 507 721 710461216 710461430 1.570000e-71 281.0
39 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2A 75.773 194 29 13 6570 6747 738117148 738116957 1.700000e-11 82.4
40 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7D 92.369 249 16 2 6752 6999 33195687 33195933 1.180000e-92 351.0
41 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7D 83.436 163 21 5 7158 7316 623389520 623389360 5.960000e-31 147.0
42 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7D 81.319 182 26 7 6907 7086 262095155 262095330 2.770000e-29 141.0
43 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6A 92.369 249 16 2 6752 6999 47959091 47959337 1.180000e-92 351.0
44 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6A 85.714 147 17 3 7164 7306 615379182 615379036 1.280000e-32 152.0
45 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6A 88.750 80 3 4 7233 7307 56251057 56251135 7.880000e-15 93.5
46 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4B 83.168 404 44 19 1 389 40871281 40870887 1.520000e-91 348.0
47 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4B 85.938 256 17 7 1 237 630366449 630366704 9.490000e-64 255.0
48 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr4B 96.552 87 3 0 7000 7086 199147339 199147253 2.140000e-30 145.0
49 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr5B 91.080 213 16 3 510 721 51012923 51012713 1.210000e-72 285.0
50 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr5B 89.041 73 4 3 7233 7301 26326319 26326391 3.660000e-13 87.9
51 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7B 90.610 213 15 5 510 720 1850249 1850458 2.030000e-70 278.0
52 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7B 90.278 216 16 3 509 719 733770766 733770551 2.030000e-70 278.0
53 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6D 79.512 410 58 18 2 402 82231401 82231793 1.220000e-67 268.0
54 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr6D 77.612 201 24 15 6573 6755 211509928 211509731 1.310000e-17 102.0
55 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr5A 77.887 407 57 17 4 402 318811122 318811503 9.630000e-54 222.0
56 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr5A 80.124 161 19 10 7174 7325 130083270 130083426 2.810000e-19 108.0
57 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3D 94.565 92 5 0 7000 7091 283613205 283613114 7.710000e-30 143.0
58 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3D 85.714 140 15 3 7159 7293 578075483 578075622 7.710000e-30 143.0
59 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3D 82.692 156 23 2 7168 7319 552287325 552287170 1.290000e-27 135.0
60 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3A 95.402 87 4 0 7000 7086 714779719 714779805 9.970000e-29 139.0
61 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr3A 91.837 98 7 1 6994 7090 744550734 744550831 1.290000e-27 135.0
62 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr2D 77.835 194 25 14 6569 6747 558254779 558254969 3.640000e-18 104.0
63 TraesCS1B01G122300 chrUn 92.754 69 2 3 7254 7319 11766703 11766771 6.090000e-16 97.1
64 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr7A 84.146 82 12 1 7168 7248 727220429 727220348 2.210000e-10 78.7

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1B 146789952 146797323 7371 False 13614.00 13614 100.000000 1 7372 1 chr1B.!!$F2 7371
1 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1D 92253411 92259365 5954 False 3015.00 8043 94.331667 438 6538 3 chr1D.!!$F3 6100
2 TraesCS1B01G122300 chr1A 88345638 88351686 6048 False 2238.85 7012 95.050250 460 6445 4 chr1A.!!$F2 5985

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
322 323 0.027586 ATTTTAGAATGCGGACGCGC 59.972 50.000 5.73 0.00 45.51 6.86 F
717 718 0.033504 TGGAACAGACAAGTCTCGCC 59.966 55.000 0.00 3.12 37.98 5.54 F
890 891 0.606401 TTCACTACCAGCTGCTTGCC 60.606 55.000 8.66 0.00 44.23 4.52 F
1742 1792 1.073284 GGAGGCCAAAGAGGTGTAACA 59.927 52.381 5.01 0.00 39.98 2.41 F
3199 3276 0.685660 TGCATTTTCAGCATTGGCCA 59.314 45.000 0.00 0.00 42.56 5.36 F
3502 3582 0.115547 TACCACAGGTCTGGCTGGTA 59.884 55.000 13.27 13.27 39.63 3.25 F
4716 4818 0.248377 GCCACTGAAGCAATCATCGC 60.248 55.000 0.00 0.00 37.44 4.58 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
1139 1142 0.251474 TGCTGATCCAAGCTTTGCCT 60.251 50.000 0.00 0.00 43.90 4.75 R
1740 1790 1.067364 TGATGTGGTCGTAACACGTGT 59.933 47.619 17.22 17.22 43.14 4.49 R
2504 2574 1.684450 TCACGAGGAATAGGCGCATAA 59.316 47.619 10.83 0.00 0.00 1.90 R
3381 3461 1.958205 GATGAGCGGCCGAGGATTG 60.958 63.158 33.48 0.00 0.00 2.67 R
5134 5236 0.106149 GTGAAGTCCAACCCAGACGT 59.894 55.000 0.00 0.00 39.31 4.34 R
5220 5322 0.322098 TGTGATTTCCCCGTCGCATT 60.322 50.000 0.00 0.00 30.55 3.56 R
6487 6857 0.366871 CGAGGCGAAATCACGTTCTG 59.633 55.000 0.00 0.00 35.59 3.02 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.