Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS1A01G364800

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 100.000 4472 0 0 1 4472 544388416 544392887 0.000000e+00 8259.0
1 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 96.581 117 4 0 2844 2960 376145834 376145950 1.270000e-45 195.0
2 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 96.703 91 3 0 294 384 551465799 551465709 7.750000e-33 152.0
3 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 81.437 167 29 2 1839 2004 544487895 544488060 7.800000e-28 135.0
4 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 91.954 87 5 2 1083 1168 544487077 544487162 2.180000e-23 121.0
5 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 100.000 31 0 0 3077 3107 502805192 502805162 1.740000e-04 58.4
6 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 88.226 2497 140 70 379 2812 614499311 614501716 0.000000e+00 2841.0
7 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 84.424 886 72 21 3605 4472 614502271 614503108 0.000000e+00 811.0
8 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 86.376 734 67 11 3742 4472 614507495 614508198 0.000000e+00 771.0
9 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 85.566 769 55 31 2985 3740 614506660 614507385 0.000000e+00 754.0
10 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 86.257 553 39 17 2989 3538 614501728 614502246 2.330000e-157 566.0
11 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 93.431 137 9 0 2640 2776 614505636 614505772 2.110000e-48 204.0
12 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 89.630 135 11 2 168 302 614499127 614499258 7.690000e-38 169.0
13 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 94.000 100 4 2 293 390 686756519 686756420 2.790000e-32 150.0
14 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 90.654 107 8 2 281 386 503353001 503352896 1.680000e-29 141.0
15 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 78.140 215 45 2 1839 2052 614943484 614943697 7.800000e-28 135.0
16 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 92.857 84 5 1 1085 1168 614942675 614942757 2.180000e-23 121.0
17 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 94.737 38 0 1 3077 3112 547523424 547523387 1.740000e-04 58.4
18 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 89.437 2272 109 43 585 2814 448786373 448788555 0.000000e+00 2745.0
19 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 85.724 1548 122 45 2962 4472 448788554 448790039 0.000000e+00 1543.0
20 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 89.866 1194 53 27 585 1747 448754235 448755391 0.000000e+00 1472.0
21 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 92.748 524 36 2 3951 4472 448792352 448792875 0.000000e+00 756.0
22 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 94.828 290 13 2 4185 4472 448755389 448755678 6.820000e-123 451.0
23 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 78.241 216 45 2 1838 2052 449282698 449282912 2.170000e-28 137.0
24 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 94.048 84 4 1 1085 1168 449281872 449281954 4.700000e-25 126.0
25 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 100.000 31 0 0 3077 3107 407160379 407160349 1.740000e-04 58.4
26 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr3D 97.414 116 2 1 2850 2965 433565992 433566106 3.530000e-46 196.0
27 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr3D 90.385 52 4 1 4211 4261 532172001 532172052 2.890000e-07 67.6
28 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr4A 97.321 112 3 0 2849 2960 528813883 528813994 1.640000e-44 191.0
29 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr4A 93.496 123 7 1 2850 2972 281354303 281354424 9.880000e-42 182.0
30 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr4A 95.238 42 2 0 1965 2006 538840138 538840097 2.890000e-07 67.6
31 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr5D 98.148 108 2 0 2853 2960 424123549 424123656 5.910000e-44 189.0
32 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr5D 92.913 127 7 2 2840 2965 560426070 560426195 2.750000e-42 183.0
33 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr5A 89.404 151 10 6 2849 2995 69844898 69844750 7.640000e-43 185.0
34 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr6D 92.366 131 6 4 2832 2959 468641022 468640893 2.750000e-42 183.0
35 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7D 91.603 131 7 4 2832 2959 414289181 414289310 1.280000e-40 178.0
36 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7D 89.091 55 5 1 4211 4264 46993653 46993599 2.890000e-07 67.6
37 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7D 94.444 36 2 0 1966 2001 513312802 513312837 6.250000e-04 56.5
38 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7D 86.275 51 7 0 1966 2016 515220643 515220593 6.250000e-04 56.5
39 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7D 86.275 51 7 0 1966 2016 515236849 515236799 6.250000e-04 56.5
40 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr4D 94.495 109 4 2 280 387 478669028 478668921 2.770000e-37 167.0
41 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr5B 97.778 90 2 0 289 378 600647492 600647581 5.990000e-34 156.0
42 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr2A 97.753 89 2 0 292 380 196345032 196345120 2.150000e-33 154.0
43 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7A 95.699 93 4 0 293 385 705090326 705090234 2.790000e-32 150.0
44 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr7A 90.385 52 4 1 4211 4261 200512562 200512511 2.890000e-07 67.6
45 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr3B 92.233 103 8 0 284 386 549759058 549759160 3.600000e-31 147.0
46 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr2D 93.000 100 7 0 289 388 270480956 270480857 3.600000e-31 147.0
47 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr2D 84.507 71 9 2 4220 4289 207252557 207252488 8.030000e-08 69.4

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1A 544388416 544392887 4471 False 8259.000000 8259 100.000000 1 4472 1 chr1A.!!$F2 4471
1 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1B 614499127 614508198 9071 False 873.714286 2841 87.701429 168 4472 7 chr1B.!!$F1 4304
2 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 448786373 448792875 6502 False 1681.333333 2745 89.303000 585 4472 3 chr1D.!!$F2 3887
3 TraesCS1A01G364800 chr1D 448754235 448755678 1443 False 961.500000 1472 92.347000 585 4472 2 chr1D.!!$F1 3887

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
164 165 0.307760 CGGCATTTCGGTTGATAGGC 59.692 55.0 0.00 0.00 33.02 3.93 F
1399 1456 0.108804 GCTCAAGCTGCTGGTACGTA 60.109 55.0 1.35 0.00 38.21 3.57 F
1788 1857 0.248134 CGACGACCTGAATCTCGGTC 60.248 60.0 10.75 10.75 44.88 4.79 F
2402 2529 0.039798 ACGCTTCATTTGCAGCACAG 60.040 50.0 0.00 0.00 33.92 3.66 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
1769 1838 0.248134 GACCGAGATTCAGGTCGTCG 60.248 60.0 13.25 0.82 46.08 5.12 R
2267 2375 0.393077 ATTCTTCGTATCCCGGCCTG 59.607 55.0 0.00 0.00 37.11 4.85 R
2943 3076 0.744414 TACGTACTCCCTCCGTTCCG 60.744 60.0 0.00 0.00 36.12 4.30 R
3825 3989 1.455383 CCACCCTTGCGCAAAGAAGT 61.455 55.0 25.01 15.27 38.24 3.01 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.