Multiple sequence alignment - TraesCS1A01G309000

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BLAST Results

Shown here are the results of a BLAST search against the genome using the input sequence. The pipeline uses this to extract flanking regions for cloning. If the result of the multiple sequence alignment is not as expected, these results could be used for further investigation.

qseqid sseqid percentage.identical alignment.length no.mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore
0 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 100.000 3292 0 0 1 3292 499810214 499806923 0.000000e+00 6080.0
1 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 82.945 1331 135 46 507 1802 499928221 499926948 0.000000e+00 1116.0
2 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 84.028 576 35 21 1985 2530 499926844 499926296 4.900000e-138 501.0
3 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 89.835 364 22 3 1 351 499929135 499928774 1.390000e-123 453.0
4 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 81.818 121 20 2 2752 2871 499929974 499929855 2.090000e-17 100.0
5 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 88.982 1788 102 33 55 1793 543582208 543580467 0.000000e+00 2122.0
6 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 84.540 1119 104 32 706 1793 543741404 543740324 0.000000e+00 1044.0
7 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 90.117 597 26 6 1931 2519 543580420 543579849 0.000000e+00 745.0
8 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 88.270 503 30 10 1933 2409 543740279 543739780 2.850000e-160 575.0
9 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 87.066 317 22 7 7 307 543742258 543741945 1.130000e-89 340.0
10 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 88.000 125 14 1 375 498 543741897 543741773 2.650000e-31 147.0
11 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 96.774 62 2 0 1 62 543584047 543583986 1.620000e-18 104.0
12 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 80.992 121 21 2 2752 2871 543743130 543743011 9.720000e-16 95.3
13 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 100.000 28 0 0 858 885 543741304 543741277 6.000000e-03 52.8
14 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 85.072 1380 103 47 502 1830 404261588 404260261 0.000000e+00 1312.0
15 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 83.893 1341 103 48 501 1793 404240554 404239279 0.000000e+00 1175.0
16 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 90.559 572 25 10 1932 2481 404239232 404238668 0.000000e+00 730.0
17 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 88.798 491 36 7 3 477 404262185 404261698 4.730000e-163 584.0
18 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 87.857 420 25 8 1947 2353 404260255 404259849 1.380000e-128 470.0
19 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 91.949 236 18 1 71 305 404241173 404240938 2.450000e-86 329.0
20 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 91.071 56 5 0 2556 2611 404259771 404259716 3.520000e-10 76.8

These results show the homologous regions that are presented in the multiple sequence alignment. HSPs from the BLAST search that are within 2000 bases of each other have been grouped together. Homologous regions that are purely upstream or downstream may be removed if they don't overlap both primers.

query scaffold start end length rev.comp avg.bitscore max.bitscore avg.percent.identical query.start query.end num_hsp groupid homo_length
0 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 499806923 499810214 3291 True 6080.000000 6080 100.000000 1 3292 1 chr1A.!!$R1 3291
1 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1A 499926296 499929974 3678 True 542.500000 1116 84.656500 1 2871 4 chr1A.!!$R2 2870
2 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 543579849 543584047 4198 True 990.333333 2122 91.957667 1 2519 3 chr1B.!!$R1 2518
3 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1B 543739780 543743130 3350 True 375.683333 1044 88.144667 7 2871 6 chr1B.!!$R2 2864
4 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 404238668 404241173 2505 True 744.666667 1175 88.800333 71 2481 3 chr1D.!!$R1 2410
5 TraesCS1A01G309000 chr1D 404259716 404262185 2469 True 610.700000 1312 88.199500 3 2611 4 chr1D.!!$R2 2608

AutoCloner calculated primer pairs

These primer pairs were selected by Autocloner to minimize primer penalty (calculated by Primer3), whilst remaining within the specified product range where possible.

Download AutoCloner chosen primers as CSV: (Forward) (Reverse)
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
941 4395 0.030504 CATGCCGCAGTGTTGACAAA 59.969 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.83 F
Position MSA Position Penalty Sequence TM GC Self any TH Self end TH Hairpin End Stability Orientation
2829 6493 0.109086 GCGTGCTCTGTCTCTTGCTA 60.109 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.49 R

All possible primers

Listed here are all possible primers based on the multiple sequence alignment and SNPs generated previously. A lower penalty score indicates a better primer. If the AutoCloner primers did not work during PCR or sequencing, these could be used as alternatives.

Download all possible primers: (Forward) (Reverse)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

AutoCloner maintained by Alex Coulton.